Just a Moment
Contract No: MORH/RDA/LBRRP/ UP/MNG/2020/P70(QA)
Project Name: Rehabilitation/ improvements of Pasal Mawatha -( Sinikkuwa )( 0+00 - 0+800 km ), Naiwala Road(0+000-2+250 km), Karapincha landa Road(0+00 - 1+750 km ), Palwatta Karamatiya Road(0+000 - 1+250 km), Adarsha gammana Margaya (0+000 - 0+700 km ) , Gaminipura Margaya ( 0+000 - 1+000 km)
Work Scope: Road Construction & necessary structures
District, Province: Monaragala District, Uva Province
Name of the Client: Road Development Authority
Contract Amount: Rs 128.21 Million ( without VAT )
Date of Completion: 30th August 2021